The Company Crest

The Llandudno
and Colwyn Bay
  Tramway Society  

The 1936 no 7 on the promenade
at Rhos-on-Sea

The ex-Lisbon no 305 at the Transport Festival
at Llandudno in 2000 as no 25 in Ll&CBER colours

Society Members Comments

If you have comments about the Society and/or the future of its trams which you would like posting on this website please send them to the webmaster

message no.4 - posted 21st November 2007

Lisbon 305
    I agree it would be a mistake to sell this tram body.
    Perhaps the surplus Manx Electric toastracks one of which could be considered for modification as a 19-22 series car.
    Comments please.

message no.3 - posted 25th April 2007

    Congratulations first of all on a very effective website that at least provides an element of direct communication between membership and
committee, the first such ever I believe.
    The issue with the society is not I feel its assets, storage and disposal of same, it is the ability to attract and keep fresh blood within the Society. In No 7 the restored tramulator "trailer mounted exhibition unit" is the ideal opportunity to showcase the history, heritage and future of the tramway in North Wales. Whilst I completely understand frustrations with the Society membership it has long been a society with an active membership of around 10% so if the membership stands at 100 you can expect a maximum of some 10 people to turn out regularly. Having said that during 2004 / 5 a series of higher profile events managed to attract some 60 in all, whilst increasing the membership by some 30% in one year. The answer is the approach - make it innovative, creative, fun and increase the showmanship. If the current committee do not feel it within their remit, then may I suggest that they are not the people to take the society forward. Can I quietly point out that you catch more flies with honey. Rather than making membership uncomfortable to read the society's recent publications implying they are failing in their duty to the society by not turning out to staff events, make it exciting, rewarding and something that they can share with others. We none of us relish tours of duty, but we do, mostly, enjoy taking part in historic, never to be repeated events and experiences. Children, young people and young families are the key to the success of your project. That is where the enthusiasm and longevity of the project needs to come from. So ask not what your membership can do for the society but what the committee should be focussing on to bring fresh blood to the committee.
    I applaud your efforts so far and hope that you will take this as constructive observation.
    A Brompton

message no.2 - posted 11th March 2007

    With regards to
Roger's letter may I say that I agree 100% with what he says. If ever an operational site is aquired then we will need more than one operational tram. The Lisbon car is an ideal example of a working tram. I think to sell it off cheap will be regretted bitterly in the future as it is an asset that should be cherished. Remember the FR scrapping Taliesin in the early days and regretting this ever since. I know it's not an original LL&CBERS car, but it looks the part and that's all that matters to the general public. The small bunch of fanatics for originality do not put bums on seats. Yours Sincerely
Glynne Gianelli (Memb. No. 195)

message no.1 - posted 9th March 2007

    I do not think it is a good idea to try and sell the historic Lisbon car just to provide a small amount of funding for No 6. If the Society is looking to have an operating tramway in the future we would definitely need 2 working trams and 305 would be extremely useful as an all-weather car. It would not take much to restore it to working order. 305 would be an attraction in its own right, for general public enthusiasts alike, being a tram which once ran in a European capital city.
    It also has some resemblance to the original bogie cars of the LL&CBERS. In my opinion, it is too good an asset to dispose of, especially considering its history.
    A lot of time effort and expense has been spent on 305. Firstly, in obtaining and transporting the car from Portugal. Secondly, in restoring the car to look like a Llandudno and Colwyn Bay tram by painting it in LL&CBERS livery. Four dragon crests have been applied together with LL&CBERS-style numbers. It even has Llandudno and Colwyn Bay destination boards each end! Does the Society really want to dispose of a tram that looks the part and which can be a good advertisement for the Society’s aims?
    It would be interesting to know the views of the membership. In fact, on such an important matter the decision on the future of 305 should be made by the membership as a whole, perhaps by a survey.
    This Society together with its predecessor (which was formed in 1974) has had a long history of disappointments and going in the wrong direction at times. I would not like to think that the Society is taking an action now that it will regret in the future.
   I would be grateful if you could put this e-mail on the LL&CBTS website and also in a next newsletter and let the rest of the Committee know my views.
Yours sincerely
Roger C. Best (membership No 1)

Any views expressed above are those of the individual and do not necessarily reflect the present Society policy
The Society reserves the right not to publish any comments it considers inappropriate


If you would like to join the Society, please contact the Membership Secretary.

For all other matters, please contact the appropriate Committee Member.

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(c) 2007   -   updated   21st November 2007